mardi 31 mars 2015

Reader comment: Jennifer Handshoe an officer of Slabbed New Media, LLC

Real Malice received an intriguing reader comment: during a recent hearing in 24th Judicial District Court for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, in the case of process server Chris Yount against blogger Douglas Handshoe and attorney Bobby Truitt, Doug's wife, Jennifer Handshoe, showed up in court. Her hubbie, though, was notably absent. The Handshoes' attorney Connie Sue Montgomery reportedly told Judge Schlegel that Jennifer was present as an "officer" of Slabbed New Media, LLC, and was thus privy to events unfolding in court regarding a defamation case centered on the publication of a minor child's sexually explicit drawing on Handshoe's blog Slabbed.

Slabbed New Media was incorporated by Mr. Doug in Mississippi in 2011. Douglas is the only person listed with the Secretary of State as being a member of the company. Handshoe has in fact in court filings stated that he is the sole member of the company.

Assertions made to a court by an attorney in response to a judge's question -- now there's a situation where one should always tell the truth.

So, was the representation to the court false, or is Mrs. Handshoe really an officer/member of Slabbed New Media?

If Connie Sue misrepresented facts to the judge, did she just beccome a participant in Mr. Doug's schemes.

Did Mr. Doug just paint a big legal liability bullseye on his wife's back?

Was Douglas Handshoe afraid to show up on the Louisiana side of the border, where he might be served with discovery or subpoenas? Reliable sources say he has been notably absent in Louisiana court hearings on numerous occasions over the past several months. He seems to dislike being discovered.

Jennifer Handshoe works for the Mississippi State Department of Health as an Early Intervention Service Coordinator. Her Supervisor there is Michael Cruthird, whose name sounds awfully familiar. . . . Gerald Cruthird is one of Mr. Handshoe's Mississippi attorneys. . . . . And, lo and behold, Sheila Cruthird works as an accountant for Douglas Handshoe, CPA.

Who are the Cruthirds and what is their relationship to the Handshoes?

Early Childhood Intervention is "a support and educational system for very young children (aged birth to six years) who have been victims of, or who are at high risk for child abuse and/or neglect."

Was Mrs. Handshoe, an expert in child abuse or neglect, part of the decision to published Chris Yount's minor child's drawing on Slabbed alongside text that allegedly defamed Mr. Yount by suggesting he had molested his child?

Stay tuned . . . 

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